
domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

Why we have to stretch?

Stretching helps us to relieve the muscular tensions because when we workouts or during our everyday duties our body is under all lot of strain.

With the stretching, our muscles keeps flexibles and in a good condition. It also helps us to keep our joins perfects because stretching is not something only for the muscles but is also for our joins and tendons. With the stretching you have an improvement in your blood circulation so the nutrients reach the organism in a better way.


- Reduce the tension in your muscles
- Improve the coordination
- Prevents chronic progressive shortening
- Prevents injuries like contractures and cramps
- Improve the blood circulation
- Improve body awareness
- Facilitate muscles oxygenation.


When we workout its better to stretch before, during and at the end of the rutine.

Before the workout: they prepare the muscles. Those stretches will be soft and controled. The last ones will serve to activate the blood circulation.

During the workout: very few people stretch between each workouts. Those stretches relieve the tensions although that prevents the acumulation of blood in the muscles that we are working. But they relieve the tensions and avoid muscle overload. If you do the workouts in the corrects positions these stretches are not very necessary.

At the end of the rutine: they are needed and essentials. Those stretches will be slow and intense to relieve the tensions and to give back muscles and joins their normal states. They activate the blood circulation and they give the flexibility back. We will get better results and we will be more efficient in the next workouts.

But we don't have to stretch only when we workout. We have to do them everyday when we wake up and before sleep.
To stretch at morning will help us to stimulate the muscles after a long night, but also it activate the blood circulation and we start the day with lots of energy.
When we go to bed its good to do some stretching because they relieve all the tensions that we acumulate during the day (stress, bad posture, etc etc), it relaxes us so we sleep better.

Conclusion, stretching have to be part of our everyday habits, like you brush your teeth, for all the family. They don't have to be underestimated.

Here you have an easy stretching routine to do everydays:

                                                    Sofia and I during a stretching session.

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