
domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

The better time to workout

We all know that everyone is different and when we are talking about workouts its the same. Ones wake up every morning full of energy and others needs 5 differents alarm clocks to get out of the bed. But there is others who the energy increase during the day and the other one,s like me, fall asleep as soon as the sun goes down.

Everyone have to find the best moment of the day to workout, the one where you feel confortable with or when your timetable allows you.  The circadians rhythms from each others show you the guidelines.

Some studies says its better to workout in the morning, away from lunch, to control you weight. The best times would be early in the morning.
This morning activity is usually better to keep a routine and healthy habits. When you workout your hormones levels increase like the endorfines so you feel better, with more energy and vitality.

When you workout on the evening or night we usually have more energy  than when you wake up. This energy can be used to demand effort during the workout so we can have better results on resistence and more muscle.

Also the studies shows that the intense workout routines at noon can affect the sleeping rythm and delay the need to go to sleep. So the day after we will be more tired and with less energy.

Personally I enjoy more to workout at the early morning. I like to wake up, prepare my daughter's breakfast, have a pre workout snack and workout. Then have a shower and a good breakfast and I'm  finally ready to start my everydays task.

My advise is try to workout at different times of the day and see what is better for you and how do you fell. The most important is to do it when you feel better so you can enjoy this time of the day. I also know sometimes its hard to find this moment especially when you are a mom but with some organisation everything is possible.

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